
2020-11-30  方程和动力系统 Hits:[]

Topic:Periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equation with x-dependent coefficients

Reporter:Ji Shuguan

Time: December 1(Tuesday)10: 30-11: 20a.m.

Site:Tencent meeting Meeting ID:538 611 138

Abstract:This talk is concerned with the periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equation with x-dependent coefficients. Such a model arises from the forced vibrations of an inhomogeneous string and the propagation of seismic waves in inhomogeneous media. We shall give some existence results on the periodic solutions of such a model with different types of nonlinearity.

Welcome to join us!

Pre:Academic report of Professor LiMing of Chongqing University of Technology Next:江苏师范大学彭锐教授学术报告

