Research Groups

Pure Mathematics:

The research group of pure mathematics has acquired fruitful achievements in the area of algebra, geometry and analysis. The group has one to the provincial “thousand talents” project. Seven faculty members in the group are candidates of “leader in academy and technology” of Sichuan province.

Faculty Members: Zili Chen, Han Yang, Xiaoming Fan, Pin Liu, Ningwei Cui, Dingshi Li, Jinxi Chen, Chunmei Zhang, FutoshiYagi, Zhongwei Yang, Yu Liu, Fan Wang, Sheng Zhang, Xiaowei Yang, Shouxin Dai, Conghui Li


Computational Mathematics: 

Led by Prof. Yang Xu, a member of “national outstanding mid-aged expert”, the research group of computational mathematics has achieved significant results in many areas such asand numerical computation. One faculty member in the group is recognized as the “leader in academy and technology” of Sichuan province, and two were selected to the same project as candidates.

Faculty Members: Yang Xu, Tianmin Huang, Zhenming Song, Hailiang Zhao, Shuwei Chen, Xiaodong Pan, Chengjing Wang, Li Deng, Xingxing He, Peng Xu, Zhihui Li, Xiaomei Zhong, Luoping Chen, Guozhu Yu

Applied Mathematics:

Led by Zhengchun Zhou, the winner of national hundred outstanding doctoral dissertation and the leader of “scientific research innovation team” of Sichuan Province, the group of applied mathematics has achieved significant results in many areas such as algebra, number theory and combinatorics, and won the second prize inShanghaiNatural Science Award and the second prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. There are two faculty members who are selected to the “thousand talents” projects of Sichuan province, and three faculty members are candidates of the “leader in academy and technology” of Sichuan province.

Faculty members: Zhengchun Zhou, Keyun Qin, Haitao Zheng, Cuiling Fan, Hailiang Zhao, Mingwen Zhao, Yang Yang, Rong Luo, Deng Tang, Haode Yan, Yufang Huang, Lina Hu

Financial Big Data Team: 

The Institute of Financial Big Data has one National Thousand-Person Program, one Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, a number of professors and associate professors. At the same time, it has well-known enterprises and personnel from foreign research institutes and institutions to participate in scientific research. It is a cross-level, cross-school, cross-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research institute. Cross boundary and transnational cooperation research institutions.

Main academic backbone: Wang Qin, Wang Lu, Shiqiuling, Zhong Guoqiang, Zhang Chunmei, Tang Jiayin, Pan Xiaodong, Yang Baoying, Fan Mingshu, Li Dingshi, Wang Mingwen, Menghua, Tang Minghui, Huang Lei, Qiao Gaoxiu, Zhao Chunming, Yang Yinghui
