Academic report of Professor LiMing of Chongqing University of Technology

2020-12-01  拓扑与几何组 Hits:[]

time: 2020.12.2,16:00-17:00pm

place:Tecent meeting244 163 776

lecturer:Professor LiMing

topic:Superconnections and an intrinsic Gauss-Bonnet-Chern formula for Finsler manifolds.

abstract:In this talk,we will represent the Euler class of an even dimensional closed and oriented manifold by the geometric data of a Finsler metric. In this way,we obtain an intrinsic GBC-formula for Finsler Manifolds. Furthermore,by a geometric localization process,we obtain a new proof of Lichnerowicz’s GBC-formula related to a transversal vector field. This is a joint work with Prof. Huitao Feng.

Pre:Academic report of Professor MoXiaoHuan of Peking University Next:东北师范大学冀书关教授学术报告

