
2020-11-28  微分方程与动力系统 Hits:[]

Topic:Concentration behavior of endemic equilibrium for a reaction-diffusion-advection SIS epidemic model with mass action infection mechanism

Reporter:Peng Rui

Time: December 2(Wednesday)11:00-12:00a.m.

Site:Tencent meeting Meeting ID:888854142

Abstract:In this talk, I shall report our joint work on a reaction-diffusion-advection SIS epidemic model with mass action infection mechanism in a one dimensional bounded domain. We first prove the existence of endemic equilibrium (EE) whenever the basic reproduction number is greater than unity. We then focus on the asymptotic behavior of EE in three cases: large advection; small diffusion of the susceptible population; small diffusion of the infected population. Our main results show that the asymptotic profiles of the susceptible and infected populations obtained here are very different from that of the corresponding system without advection and that of the system with standard incidence infection mechanism. Thus, the effects of advection and different infection mechanisms are substantial on the spatial distribution of infectious disease; our findings bring novel insight into the disease control strategy. This talk is based on my joint work with Renhao Cui, Huicong Li and Maolin Zhou.

Pre:东北师范大学冀书关教授学术报告 Next:Mathematics Outlook Forum---Statistics Series Report

