To Strengthen the Construction of Style of Study, the Leadership of the Institute of Mathematics Led

2014-03-28  school of mathematic Hits:[]

Since a long time ago, leadership of mathematical college attaches great importance to the teaching work. At around 10 o 'clock ,in the morning of March 28th, Chen Shangyun, secretary of the party, with the company  of Xu Haijing ,  the educational   administration and Jiang Chengxu, one counselor of the college, reached the first line and listened to the teacher in class.

Mr.Chen came to the classroom 1210,1211,1213,1220 and 1222 of No. 1 teaching building ,and respectively listened to the lecture of several teachers, such as Yang Baoying, Li Yuqi, YangRuiShun, Deng Shaogao, and Fan Xiaoming , etc. For our teachers’performance in class, he said, the overall feeling was good. And he presented that ,the teacher’s preparation before class, clear teaching process , and the attention paying to let the students think about problems by themselves in class is worth and partial  learning by every teacher. However, when it comes to answering questions, it do need to be further strengthened.

Mr. Chen also pointed out that the college should further develop the teaching quality, reinforce the teaching and study style construction, and put the priority on the education, so as to cultivate a number of highly qualified talents eventually.  

That college leaders walked into the classroom to listen to the teacher, in our college, has formed a good practice. Moreover, this activity reflects our leaders always take great attention on the work of teaching, in addition, it effectively strengthen the department of teaching and study style construction. And as far as the examination, both teachers and students have showed good spirit.


Pre:Li, Vice Secretary and A Row Participated in the Student Work in UESTC Next:The secretary of the Mathematics Academy’s committee Shangyun Chen meet the representatives of the O

