The secretary of the Mathematics Academy’s committee Shangyun Chen meet the representatives of the O

2014-03-26  school of mathematic Hits:[]

The afternoon of the 3rd March, 2014, the secretary of the party committee ShangYun Chen meet Dr. Lee Bird, as the vice-president of the Oklahoma State University, who is making a series of speech about” How to develop student’s talents”, accompanied with the director of the dormitory area Dr. Matt Brown, director of the Students Affairs Office from the University of the Wisconsin-Madison and the director of the OSU’s Chinese program Vivian Wang. Professor Zili Chen, the vice-president of the Mathematics Academy with Dr. ZiHui Li as the deputy secretary of the party committee and Professor Haitao Zheng, the director of the institute of the Applied Mathematics also attend the meeting.

Shangyun Chen, the secretary, introduce the academy’s fundamental state of the cooperation with international university in cultivating talents. They have a long conversation about launching a deep cooperation in different areas and exchange their thoughts. At last, Dr. Chen present a gift to Dr. Lee Bird in a friendly atmosphere. After the meeting, they take a photo together to mark this significant occasion.


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