The opening ceremony of the joint research base of civil - mathematics was successfully concluded

2018-11-17   Hits:[]

Source: school of mathematics author: journalism center - Chen yuan date: 2018-11-12 17:58:14 hit number: 54
   On November 8, at 4:00 PM, the unveiling ceremony of the joint research base of civil and mathematics was held in the X4406 office of civil building of xuanpu campus. Attend the opening ceremony of the leadership of the teacher have Xu Fei principal, vice President of the academy leadership Deng Yongquan, civil engineering, professor, dean qian-hui pu mathematics institute party committee secretary professor Xu Ge, Wang Mingnian teacher, vice President of the institute of civil engineering, institute of mathematics, vice President of the secretary Lu Liheng Pan Xiaodong associate professor, school of civil engineering discipline construction, civil engineering college scientific research secretary xu xushuguan teacher, mathematics institute scientific research secretary Pan Yujing teachers, members of the joint research base, Tony and Han Bangsheng teacher lee teacher.
   After the opening ceremony was held by all the leaders and teachers, a meeting on the joint base project was held in the conference room X4312A, which was presided over by the vice President of civil engineering college wang next year. Wang extended a warm welcome to all the leading teachers and expressed his gratitude to xu fei for taking time out of his busy schedule to attend the meeting. Wang said that after the program was first proposed in August last year, teachers from the two colleges were highly motivated, and after more than a year of preparation, the program is finally on track.
   Then, the leaders and teachers present at the meeting gave speeches. First, the representative of the member of the joint base of the school of civil and mathematics, who was studying in Spain, was unable to attend the meeting, and recorded video to express his congratulations to the project and he was honored to participate in the project. The dean of school of civil engineering pu qianhui says, cultivate talent is a long process, the person that is engaged in scientific research of education must be satisfied with his post, do not abandon feelings. Xu ge, secretary of the party committee of the school of mathematics, talked about how the school needs to think about the cultivation model of mathematicians and how to build a communication platform with other colleges to jointly guide the development of the project.
   Next, vice President deng yongquan of the scientific research institute. President deng said that xu fei has always emphasized basic research and cross-research, and now the school has provided good facilities for everyone. I hope everyone can take the initiative to seek development and make this joint project a pioneering undertaking.
   Then xu fei spoke. Xu Fei principal first expressed a joint project of high recognition and strong support, and then from three aspects: analysis of the value of the joint program and colleges should be how to set out to do a good job in this project: first, now is no longer a patchwork of closed era, in the era of the great scientific discipline overlapping comprehensive, schools need to combine the advantages of various disciplines, "joint step forward into combination, combined with a step forward into a fusion", to raise awareness of height, so you can go high, go for a long time, go far; Second, two college to do a good job in this high gold content of the joint project, requires institutional arrangement, good communication, and the determination to face the future will encounter various difficulties, especially want to see the light, only in this way can "put the question and the perfect combination of tools", will show the advantage of a joint project completely; Thirdly, this joint project is in the right time. We need to work steadily and step by step to make it a good example for the school and lay the foundation for the entry and development of other colleges in the future.
   After taking a photo with the teachers from the two universities, xu fei continued to discuss the specific operation of the joint project with the relevant teachers in the conference room. At this point, the opening ceremony of the joint research base of civil - mathematics was successfully concluded.

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