Good seniors senior experience sharing session

2018-11-17   Hits:[]

In order to help the 2018 freshmen clarify the features of professional disciplines and learning methods, and adapt to the study and life in the university, the school of mathematics held a peer learning experience sharing session in X2221 at 7:00 PM on October 28 -- excellent seniors senior. This activity is hosted by teacher zhong yiting, counselor of grade 16 and 18, and the freshmen of grade 2018 will attend and listen on time.

The sharing session invited outstanding student representatives of grade 15, 16 and 17, Yang sizhe, jiang xiaoyu, CAI wenkai, luo jiangyi and zhou xiaolan. In the experience sharing, the five students suggested that the university should determine a clear goal as soon as possible. In the learning of specific subjects, such as higher algebra and mathematics analysis with higher difficulty coefficient, students should accurately grasp the book's theorems, formulas and definitions and be familiar with them by heart. At the same time, you can't relax your English study. In order to have a wonderful college life, you should also participate in community activities, balance your study and life, and put in time to get something but not to waste time.

In the advice given to freshmen, Yang sizhe mentioned in particular that he could not relax his study when recalling his postgraduate recommendation. He should push himself when he should do so. Nowadays, his achievements are achieved by his perseverance at that time. Jiang xiaoyu suggested that we should establish the confidence of "I won't but I can learn", be good at finding ways to relieve bad emotions, and do the most important and urgent things first. CAI wenkai analyzed the characteristics of the subject very carefully, and stressed that the study of gao daishi should have a frame of mind before doing exercises, and in the exercise training should gradually cultivate the transition from obvious thinking to rigorous mathematical logic thinking. Luo jiangyi suggested that we should make a good summary of each chapter and think more about the internal relations of knowledge before and after. Zhou xiaolan, with the simple personal information table in his freshman year, compared with the pictures of his awards record in his junior year, vividly told the freshmen that they should dare to try more when the cost of making mistakes is minimal.

After the sharing of the five students, the freshman actively put forward his learning problems and confusion and got the patient and detailed advice from senior senior. Freshmen feel the sincerity and sincerity of excellent seniors, and marvel at their excellent performance, while expressing that they will follow their example to do the important things best and become the best themselves.

Finally, zhong yiting encouraged his freshmen, "now excellent seniors senior may be their own in the future, as long as you insist, as long as you work hard." Zhong also mentioned that there will be more excellent role models for freshmen. Freshmen benefit a lot and gain a lot. In a happy atmosphere of discussion, the sharing session ended at nine o 'clock.

Pre:The opening ceremony and lecture series of the ninth mathematical culture festival were successfully concluded Next:Get Ready for Your Vocation---A lecture successfully delivered by Professor Yin Xiangrong

