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    A conclusive theorem on Finsler metrics of sectional flag curvature

    2020-12-19 Topology and geometry group 点击:[]

    Report time: 2020.12.17(Thursday),16:30-17:30 pm.

    Report location: 614 351 606 of Tencent conference

    Report title:A conclusive theorem on Finsler metrics of sectional flag curvature

    Summary:Flag curvature is the most important quantity in Finsler geometry, because it generalizes the notion of sectional curvature in Riemannian geometry. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to Finsler geometry and discuss some interesting curvature phenomena. In particular, I will prove that when flag curvature reduces to sectional curvature, then either the Finsler metric is Riemannian, or the flag curvature is isotropic (constant if the dimension is greater than two).

                                             Reporter: Huang Libing

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