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    Isometric Immersions in Riemann-Finsler Geometry

    2020-12-19 Topology and geometry group 点击:[]

    Report time: 2020.12.17(Thursday),14:30-15:30 pm

    Report location: 537 965 472 of Tencent conference

    Report title:Isometric Immersions in Riemann-Finsler Geometry

    Summary:In Riemann-Finsler geometry, the Minkowski space is a generalization to the Euclidean space. We will brief isometric immersions of Finsler manifolds in Minkowski spaces, in particular, minimal immersions. The volume measure and the mean curvature of Finsler submanifolds in a Minkowski space are given. Some Bernstein type theorems and examples for minimal surfaces in Minkowski spaces are shown.

                                             Reporter: Shen Yibing

    上一条:A conclusive theorem on Finsler metrics of sectional flag curvature
    下一条:Warped Product Finsler Metrics With Special Curvature Properties

