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    英国Ulster大学Jun Liu博士系列学术报告

    2022-05-27 新闻中心 点击:[]

    报告人:英国Ulster大学 Jun Liu博士

    报告1题目Mechanisms of Publication – Editor’s Perspective




    报告1摘要:At this talk, Dr. Jun Liu will discuss his insights into the editorial process when developing a journal article, and explain some mechanisms of publication from the perspective of an editor, how to avoid being rejected peer-review and how to address reviewers’ comments.


    报告2题目Effective Presentation: Some Tips




    报告2摘要:At this talk, Dr. Jun Liu will provide some tips on how to deliver presentation effectively. The talk will include: 1) the basic layout of good presentation slides; 2) design your presentation slides based on the audience; 3) make the titles informative; 4) make proper use of figures, tables, colors, and animation; 5) how to interact with the audience effectively.


    报告人简介:Dr Jun Liu is currently a Reader in Computer Science, Research Director of Artificial Intelligent Research Centre (AIRC), School of Computing, Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK. He worked in the field of AI for many years. His current research is focused on two themes: 1) data-knowledge integrated AI model/system with applications; 2) logic and automated reasoning methods for intelligent systems. He has authored or co-authored over 230 publications. He has been awarded over £5.5 Million of research funding from various funding bodies as grant holder and principle co-investigator. He serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, and International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems; is also an Editor of Information Fusion Journal, Journal of Universal Computer Science, and International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science. He is a Senior member of the IEEE including IEEE SMC and IEEE CI, the Member of IEEE CIS Emergent Technologies Technical Committee (ETTC), also the Chair of the IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Ireland Chapter (SMC28). He serves as chairs or co-chairs and program committees of a number of international conferences and workshops. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.


    上一条:Geometric Engineering on Flops of Length Two
    下一条:2022 Miniworkshop on interaction between geometric topology and mathematical physics

