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    Academic report of Professor Zhao EnTao of ZheJiang University

    2020-12-01 拓扑与几何组 点击:[]

    time: 2020.12.2,14:30-15:30pm

    place:Tencent meeting 244 163 776

    lecturer:Professor Zhao EnTao

    topic:Rigidity theorems for ancient solutions of mean curvature flow in space forms

    abstract:We will talk about the rigidity of ancient solutions of the mean curvature flow with arbitrary codimension in space forms. We first give a brief survey on the classification and rigidity theorems for ancient solutions. Then we discuss our recent results on the rigidity of ancient solutions, including a rigidity theorem for ancient solutions in a sphere under a sharp asymptotic pointwise curvature pinching condition, a rigidity theorem for ancient solutions in a hyperbolic space under a pointwise curvature pinching condition, and a rigidity theorem for ancient solutions in a nonnegatively curved space form under an asymptotic integral curvature pinching condition. This talk is based on the joint work with Dr. Li Lei and Prof. Hongwei Xu.

    上一条:Academic report of Professor WangPeng of Fujian Normal University
    下一条:Academic report of Professor MoXiaoHuan of Peking University

