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    英国Ulster大学Jun Liu博士系列学术报告

    2020-12-07  点击:[]

    报告人:英国Ulster大学 Jun Liu博士

    报告1题目Knowledge-Centralized Decision Analytics under Uncertainty for Explainable AI


    报告地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID868 306 628+ 线下(九里校区信息楼01020

    报告1摘要:Belief-rule based methodology (called BRB), as a novel advanced and generic rule-based decision model, is receiving increasing attention and is becoming increasingly affluent since its first publication. BRB fits well within Explainable AI (XAI) now that it is a white box approach which can provide direct access and transparency to decision makers and stakeholders. BRB methodology not only holds strengthens of the normal off-the-shelf rule-bases systems and even enhanced them further; it also resolved the limitations of the existing rule-based systems greatly. In addition, BRB decision model can be knowledge driven or data driven, the flexibility of which lends itself to be deployed in a wide range of applications in the last few years. This talk will highlight the key strengths of the BRB, especially clarify how the BRB along with its advancement can help resolve the limitations of the existing rule-based systems, then cover some of latest developments as well as identify the remaining challenges and some perspectives.

    报告2题目Role of Automated Reasoning in Safe and Trusted AI


    报告地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID967 291 366+ 线下(九里校区信息楼01020

    报告2摘要:Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) combined with data analytics and high-performance computing has seen the emergence of society-changing AI applications. There are some myths that AI is machine learning or deep learning, and symbolic AI techniques seem to be out of date. This talk focus on symbolic AI techniques, the foundation of AI and the key area in the AI, especially about automated reasoning (AR), highlighting its nature and the-state-of-the-art methods, followed by several high level application area illustrations in which AR can and have played very important roles. Accordingly, the role of AR for the cutting-edge research in ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of AI systems is briefly summarized.

    报告人简介:Dr Jun Liu is currently a Reader in Computer Science, a full member of Artificial Intelligence Research Group (AIRG) at School of Computing in the Ulster University in UK. Before he joined Ulster University, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Manchester, UK (Feb. 2002 - Dec. 2004), and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK*CEN) (Mar. 2000 -Feb. 2002). He received the BSc. and MSc. degrees in Applied Mathematics, and PhD. degree in Information Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 1993, 1996, and 1999, respectively.

    He has been working in the field of Artificial Intelligence for many years. His current research is focused on two themes: 1) knowledge-centralized data analytics under uncertainty for sensing decision making, with applications in management, engineering, and industry field etc. (e.g., safety and risk analysis; policy decision making; security/disaster management; and heath care and smart home); 2) logic and automated reasoning methods for intelligent systems. In particular: resolution-based automated reasoning methods, algorithm and tools with applications (including software verification and automated theorem proving); lattice-valued logics with focus on handling incomparability, inconsistency and imprecision. He has over 160 publications in these areas.

    He has been a grant holder of several national and international research projects (over £2.5 Million from various funding bodies). He is the Member of IEEE CIS Emergent Technologies Technical Committee (ETTC), also the Chair of the IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Ireland Chapter (SCM28). He is an IEEE Senior Member including IEEESMC and IEEECI, and amember of EUCog (European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics). He serves as an Associated Editor of IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems, an Associated Editor of Knowledge-Based Systems, and an Area Editor of International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, is also an Editor of Information Fusion Journal, Journal of Universal Computer Science, and International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science. He serves as chairs or co-chairs and program committees of a number of international conferences and workshops.

    He is the Ulster coordinator and played the leading role in establishing the MoU and collaborative agreement between Ulster and Southwest Jiaotong University as well as establishing the International Joint Research Centre called “Advanced Machine Intelligence (AMI)” between two universities officially in September 2013. He has mentored 4 Post-doc research associates. He has so far supervised 10 PhD to completions as well as supervised 6 MSc projects, and currently supervising 5 PhD students, 3 KTP Research Associates. He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

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