现任法国昂热大学(Université d'Angers)理学院计算机科学系特级教授(Professeur des Universités de Classe Exceptionnelle),2015年入选法国大学科学院院士(Senior Fellow de l'Institut Universitaire de France),曾担任法国昂热大学LERIA智能计算实验室主任(2003年—2015年)。
他致力于研究高效优化算法和智能计算方法,以求解大规模的组合优化问题,并应用于生物信息学、数据科学、移动通信,复杂网络、交通运输等领域;他在包括在本领域顶尖期刊IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics、Evolutionary Computation、European Journal of Operational Research、INFORMS Journal on Computing、Information Sciences等专业期刊上发表论文超过230余篇,H指数(截至2019年6月)为48,引用次数超过8200余次(Google Scholar)。
Talk 1: Metaheuristics for large scale combinatorial optimization
Combinatorial optimization aims to determine among a finite set of candidate solutions a particular solution that satisfies a minimization or maximization criterion. Combinatorial optimization is difficult in the general case (NP-hard problems). In addition to classical exact and approximation methods, approximate approaches based on metaheuristics have emerged over the past twenty years as an alternative to overcome the intrinsic complexity of combinatorial problems. In this talk, we first offer an overview of the typical metaheuristic methods. We then present some examples of applications on well-known NP-difficult problems (coloring of graphs, multidimensional knapsack, maximum clique, etc.) and real problems (frequency planning and antenna positioning in radio networks, planning of satellite photography, sports league scheduling, etc.).
Talk 2: Learning and data mining driven optimization for combinatorial problems: some case studies
In this talk we present some case studies of using learning and data mining techniques for solving combinatorial optimization problems: multidimensional scaling and reinforcement learning for graph coloring, opposition-based learning for subset selection with maximum diversity, and frequent patterns for quadratic assignment. We show how learning and data mining techniques can be advantageously combined with an optimization method to obtain high-quality solutions for difficult combinatorial optimization problems.