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    学术报告:A consumer’s preferences-based methodology for new product design

    2019-07-18 数学 点击:[]


    报告人:墨西哥西部自治大学(Autonomous University of Occident)Juan Carlos Leyva López教授

    报告题目:A consumer’s preferences-based methodology for new product design





    Juan Carlos Leyva Lópezis a full-time professor at the Department of Economic and Management Sciences, Autonomous University of Occident, Mexico. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico and during 2005-2006, 2015-2016spent time as a visiting scholar in the USA (Louisiana State University) and UK (Ulster University) respectively. He received the BSc. and MSc. degrees in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, from National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, Mexico, in 1985 and 1992, respectively. His current research interests are in multicriteria decision aiding, multicriteria decision support systems and evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Dr. Leyva Lopez has authored or co-authored over 100 publications. During 2007-2009, he was the coordinator of the Ibero-American Network on Multicriteria Decision and Evaluation (RED-M), In addition, he was president of the Mexican Society of Operations Research. He is currently the Ph.D. coordinator in Business Analytics at the Autonomous University of Occident.


    The need to combine data and experts’ knowledge in order to solve complex and ill-structured decision problems is a major concern in modern marketing and management science. One of the most interesting and difficult decision-making cases is the design and development of a new product. Many experts in this field have pointed out the importance of the successful development of a new product for the viability of enterprises. Therefore, the new product development process needs efficient methods and tools to support their decisions. In this talk, I will present some research that I and collaborators are developing, with the aim of proposing a consumer´s preferences-based methodology for new product design in real-world situations. The development of this methodology involves a number of technical challenges, and I will outline how we can overcome them.

    下一条:英国Ulster大学 Jun Liu博士学术报告

