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    【学术讲座】New Results on Dense Code Multiple Access

    2023-07-07  点击:[]

    报告题目:New Results on Dense Code Multiple Access




    摘要:DCMA, as a new variant of traditional code-division multiple-access (CDMA), outperforms sparse code multiple access (SCMA) because it can achieve full diversity order under a non-linear sphere decoder. As such, DCMA is a very important competitor of SCMA for the enabling of future massive machine-type communication systems in 5G/6G networks.

    In this talk, I will share our recent findings on a novel class of power-imbalanced dense codebooks for the generic Nakagami channels. Our key idea is to apply curve fitting to approximate the celebrated Q function which allows us to derive a new design metric called minimum logarithmic sum distance (MLSD). By properly deleting certain rows of a special non-unimodular circulant matrix, our proposed dense codebooks exhibit both larger minimum Euclidean distance and MLSD, thus yielding significantly improved error performance over the existing SCMA and conventional unimodular DCMA schemes.

    报告人简介:刘子龙,新加坡南洋理工大学博士,英国埃塞克斯大学教授。从2018年1月到2019年11月是萨里大学5G创新中心(5GIC)所在地通信系统研究所ICS的高级研究员。目前是 IEEE高级会员,同时担任国际知名学术期刊 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Access的副编辑。目前已发表95篇期刊论文,其中50余篇发表在TIT, TSP, TCOM, TWC, TVT, JSAC, JSTSP等期刊上。


    下一条:【学术讲座】How to Decode High-Density Parity Check Code?

